Saturday, April 19, 2008

It’s really my own fault!

I ordered some flannel lined Levis for me and Diane. They were on clearance since it is spring and all. They came in the mail yesterday. And then this morning, we have 10” of snow. One bright spot is I get extra activity points for shoveling snow. And we did shovel snow. We had a service man down finishing up the door repairs from the break-in. He stayed a little too long. We had warned him that our driveway was very tricky in the snow. But he was sure he would have no problem. After an hour of shoveling (3 of us) his van is pulled off the side of the road right past our driveway. He couldn’t make it any further.

Right now? It is warm and sunny with almost a foot of snow on the ground. Welcome to spring in Eastern Canada. This is not our typical spring weather for Victoria.


West End Bob said...

Great photos!

Good talking to ya'll tonight, and look forward to seeing you soon . . . .

Vancouver Isle Doug said...

APRIL??? Yikes!! There isn't any of that white stuff out in East Sooke. WHEW!!

At least you were able to get out on Sunday. :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Not unusual for us here in MN, but, yeah, wow!